by Amish Patel | Feb 23, 2023 | Travel Clinic
Whether we like it or not, getting older can bring many lifestyle changes. Mobility is often one of those things. Accepting the use of disability mobility aids like canes, walkers, wheelchairs, or scooters can be difficult but they greatly improve daily life by giving...
by Amish Patel | Nov 9, 2022 | Travel Clinic
If you’re pregnant, it’s advisable to avoid visiting countries or areas where you’ll need travel vaccinations for such diseases as Typhoid or Yellow Fever. However, it’s not always possible, especially if you have work or family commitments. Some vaccines are...
by Amish Patel | Oct 17, 2022 | Travel Clinic
Cholera is an acute intestinal disease that causes severe diarrhoea. It is most common in countries where access to good sewage systems and clean water supply is limited. Cases of cholera can still be found in some parts of Africa and Asia. The chances of contracting...
by Amish Patel | Oct 8, 2022 | Travel Clinic
With over 1 million people traveling internationally each day, it’s important to know if your upcoming travel destination requires visitors to have specific vaccinations. Many countries will not require visitors to get vaccinations, but it’s in your best interest to...
by Amish Patel | Sep 8, 2022 | Travel Clinic
International travel increases your chances of getting and spreading diseases that are rare or not found in the UK and other modern westernized countries. If you are travelling to a high-risk country, you may need to get certain vaccinations and medication to prevent...
by Amish Patel | Aug 10, 2022 | Travel Clinic
Did you know that over 1 million people travel internationally each day? Some travellers may visit modern and westernized countries like the US and Europe where life-threatening diseases are rare because the majority of the population has been vaccinated. While other,...