Is Vaccination Mandatory for Travel?

Is Vaccination Mandatory for Travel?

Before taking an international trip, it’s crucial to understand the benefits of travel vaccinations. These vaccinations protect you against diseases common in specific regions, ensuring your trip is not ruined by unexpected health concerns. By boosting your...
How Long Do Travel Vaccinations Last?

How Long Do Travel Vaccinations Last?

In this blog, we’ll delve into the duration of safeguard provided by travel vaccinations services, emphasising the significance of timely immunisations before setting off to uncharted destinations. A thrilling journey demands careful planning, and a vital...
Where Can I Find a Travel Clinic in Bexley?

Where Can I Find a Travel Clinic in Bexley?

Are you ready for your international holiday? If you’re reading this article, you probably have your flight booked and have scheduled time off from work, so now is the perfect time to schedule an appointment at the Hodgson Pharmacy Travel Clinic in Bexley if you live...