
What Are the Benefits of a Vitamin B12 Injection?

What Are the Benefits of a Vitamin B12 Injection?

For healthy individuals, eating a well-rounded, nutrient-rich diet should provide all the B12 their body needs. However, some people are prone to Vitamin B12 deficiencies. For example, individuals using medications that affect Vitamin B12 absorption, vegans, pregnant...

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What Are the Benefits of Ear Microsuction?

What Are the Benefits of Ear Microsuction?

If you’re dealing with earwax buildup, it’s important to clear it as soon as possible. If not, it may eventually lead to a more serious condition like hearing loss, tinnitus, and pressure or pain in the ear. Microsuction earwax removal, sometimes referred to as ear...

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Are Travel Vaccinations Safe During Pregnancy?

Are Travel Vaccinations Safe During Pregnancy?

If you’re pregnant, it’s advisable to avoid visiting countries or areas where you'll need travel vaccinations for such diseases as Typhoid or Yellow Fever. However, it’s not always possible, especially if you have work or family commitments. Some vaccines are...

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A Guide to Countries That Require Vaccines

A Guide to Countries That Require Vaccines

With over 1 million people traveling internationally each day, it’s important to know if your upcoming travel destination requires visitors to have specific vaccinations. Many countries will not require visitors to get vaccinations, but it’s in your best interest to...

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Best And Safest Ways to Clean Your Ears

Best And Safest Ways to Clean Your Ears

While ear wax does have its useful purposes, when you have too much ear wax it can cause wax build-up and ear canal blockage. However, you can also cause blockage by cleaning your ears out with a cotton swab or other items that push the earwax further into your ear...

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What You Need to Know About Vitamin B12

What You Need to Know About Vitamin B12

Do you get enough Vitamin B12? Since your body doesn't make Vitamin B12 naturally, most people get it from food or from supplements. So, you want to make sure that you get enough B12 in your diet to stay healthy and strong. Without enough Vitamin B12 in your body, you...

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Need Travel Medicines and Vaccinations?

Need Travel Medicines and Vaccinations?

International travel increases your chances of getting and spreading diseases that are rare or not found in the UK and other modern westernized countries. If you are travelling to a high-risk country, you may need to get certain vaccinations and medication to prevent...

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